Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Week of No David

To blog about these past few days means I have to relive them in my mind and I'm not sure I'm willing to do that.  But it also means they're over and I'm still alive, so here it goes.  I know, one day I will look back at this and think how easy I had it.

The Week of no David

As a preface, David was sent to Dallas for the week (Mon - Fri) for training.  Of course, it had to be at the beginning of the internship, because that is typically when one needs to be trained.  Makes sense.  However, it also happens to be at a time when I've just arrived, still don't know any people, and don't know my way around very well.  On with the story.

Day 1

Let's start Sunday night.  Some people in our apartment complex decided to have a pool party.  This means swimming and barbecue, which means beer, which means very loud talking, which means no sleep for us, who live right beside the pool and have to get up very early.  When we woke up at 4:00 a.m. to get ready and take David to the airport, a few of them were still out there, talking loudly as ever.  Ugh.  Well, we dropped off David, came back home and went to sleep for a couple of hours.  

After having David to ourselves for the whole week previous, being without him all of a sudden was a shock.  When Paisley woke up she walked around the apartment for a few minutes saying "dada? dada?"  over and over.  She did this several times throughout the day.  As for me, I just felt lonely.  I mean, Paisley is great company and all, but after being stuck in the house all day and trying to keep a one-year-old entertained, it's nice to have some big people conversation.  We did go for a good long walk at the park and a swim in the pool, and that was about the extent of our exiting the apartment for the day.  That night we said a prayer and I cried a little as we thanked Heavenly Father for Daddy and asked Him to help us get through this week.  Paisley, on seeing my tears, was caught between laughing and being concerned, and just finished by giving me a big cuddly hug.

Day 2

Day two was the worst.  Paisley's eye teeth have started coming in, and with teething - for Paisley, anyway - comes bad diapers that burn her bum, along with general pain and fussiness.  So after a sleepless Sunday night, we were both up all night again, this time changing diapers, applying cream, making bottles, singing lullabies and crying.  Well, Paisley was just crying; I was doing all of the above.  I had planned a few activities for the next day to keep us both entertained, but Paisley was just feeling so bad that we stayed inside again, both wanting to go out, neither feeling up to it.  That evening it cooled off, and I decided I had had enough of this apartment.  We went down to the river and took a walk.  I was feeling a bit adventurous, and thought I knew my way around the lake pretty well by now.  Wrong.  I got lost, and after about 6 miles of walking it was starting to get dark and the trail I thought was the right one started getting rocky and narrow.   At that point a couple of nice walkers helped us get back on the right trail and back to our car.  We finished the night off exhausted, and had no troubles sleeping that night.  Whew.

Day 3

Today was day three.  After a good night's rest, Paisley was feeling much better, which means I was feeling much better.  We got up this morning and went to a place called Book People in downtown Austin.  It's a really cool book store with a whole upstairs dedicated to kids' books and toys.  There's even a story corner where twice a week they have authors and performers come in and do special story and singing times with the kids.  It was amazing!  The performer played the guitar, and really involved the kids in all the songs and the story.  Paisley had tons of fun, but I think her favorite part was just being in a new place and seeing KIDS again!  There's also an Anthropologie store right next door, so a little treat for me too.  

Tonight we tried to find Costco.  We did this for several reasons: 1) We are almost out of diapers. 2) My mom sent us a $35.00 Costco voucher, so (almost) free diapers!  Thanks Mom! 3) There's no Zion's Bank here, and I wanted to get extra cash without paying the ridiculous ATM fee so we can go to the Austin Children's Museum tonight where it's pay-by-donation every Wednesday.   

As I do not have a Smartphone, any kind of GPS, or even a printer to print off directions, I copied down every word of the Google Maps directions, complete with the left and right arrows.  Feeling pretty confident that I could get to Costco, get diapers, get extra cash, and make it back in time to take Paisley to the Children's Museum, we set out.  Oh, how naive I was.  First of all, we set out during rush hour.  Also, I have a terrible sense of direction.  Enough said there.  An hour and a half later, we got back to the house, Paisley having wet her pants, I having nearly done the same, more tears shed on both of our parts (mostly mine), and no new diapers.  Did we make it to the museum?  No.  We went swimming outside and ate ice cream instead, with which Paisley was just as thrilled.  In fact, I think her favorite part of the night may have been helping me sweep the floor and put clothes in the laundry basket.  She kept saying "help you".  How cute! We finished off the night with stories and songs and cuddles and a prayer, and Paisley is now sound asleep (fingers crossed). 


So.  Lessons learned this week:
  • Get the kind of Tylenol for kids that does not say 'Dye free'.  What this really means is 'Tastes nasty and your child will choke and gag on it and maybe even throw up a little'.  
  • I'm kind of a wimp - or just very emotional at 5 months pregnant.
  • Pee before leaving the house.
  • I have a terrible sense of directions and should have a smartphone on me at all time, even when walking in the park.
  • Next time I'm stuck in the house trying to entertain a toddler, try simple household chores!  Works like a charm.
  • In spite of what I may mutter to myself while I'm cleaning the house or watching my 11th hour of basketball that week, I love my husband dearly and appreciate everything he does.  
  • On a similar note - Die before David.  
  • And lastly, thank the heavens for family and friends who care.  

How's David??!

If you've made it this far into my woes and ramblings, you may like to know how David is doing!  He has been in meetings all day, but gets out each day with plenty of time to enjoy the city.  He's done a lot of walking, and seen a lot of Dallas.  Tonight he and some other trainees are at a Texas Rangers game! Ernst & Young has provided him with a $25 allowance for breakfast and lunch each day, as well as $50 for dinner (!!!) so he's been eating well.  He misses us and we we each insist that we are the one more excited for the week to be over.  Pictures of his trip to come.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I feel your pain. Having agreat husband and dad makes a real void when they are gone! At least you appreciate each other when separated. I hope the rest of your week is wonderful and good job being adventurous, by the way! xoxo


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