Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Off to Austin - First stop, Farmington, NM

Today we woke up early and made sure we had everything packed into the car and ready to go on our 2 1/2 month trip to Austin, Texas.  I can't believe we're really going!  David's excited to start his internship with Ernst & Young, and he's especially excited to be living his dream, a couple blocks away from the Longhorns stadium.  I'm looking forward to an exciting adventure, and nervous about being 5 - 7 months pregnant in 100+ degree weather. Thank goodness for pools and a.c.!  

Before leaving for Texas, we stopped by the doctor's for our 20-week ultrasound.  The doctor told me the previous week that it was a girl, writing "no pee pee" on the ultrasound picture.  Then the technician confirmed it for us.  She checked all the baby's organs and it looks like she's healthy and right on schedule.  And with that exciting news, we were off on our adventure! 

The drive went smoothly.  Paisley was a champ.  I was really nervous about having to keep her happy the whole time, but she did great.  As long as she had her fishy crackers, a bottle of milk or water, or just a fun book, she was as happy as a clam.  We had fun practicing numbers and singing songs with her too.

We stopped in Moab for lunch, where we ate at the Moab Diner, referral  of John Bishoff, whose brother we ran into at the diner.  Small world!  Or just small town.  On the road again.

Later in the afternoon, we went a little bit out of the way to see the Four Corners Monument, where New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Colorado meet.  We got some good pictures, and met an interesting German man who has been to more states than most Americans, all for the sake of geo-caching.  

 By the time we got to Farmington, we were ready to relax and go to sleep.

Paisley, half in Utah, half in Arizona

All three of us at the Four Corners

The sights on the road through New Mexico

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