Sunday, July 10, 2011


Believe it or not, I'm actually better at keeping my blog up than I am at writing in my journal! OK, that's sad...

So, big events in the past couple of weeks:

David and I went to the Manti Pageant. It's a play that depicts the story of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the journey of the pioneers across the plains to Utah. We left Paisley with her grandparents, and took a beautiful drive down to Manti. We had good fair food and watched an uplifting performance. It made me appreciate the temple and everything the pioneers went through so that my family could be sealed together for eternity.

This is me and David after a funnel cake, potato twists, grilled turkey, a hamburger, and homemade root beer. If we look a little chubbier than usual, that sounds about right.

The beautiful Manti temple
Paisley slept through the night!! She's always been pretty good about sleeping, usually only waking up once a night to eat and then going right back to sleep. But this time she slept all the way through!! I woke up feeling more refreshed than I remember feeling in my whole life. Can't wait till that becomes a pattern.

We finally went to Color Me Mine! I've been asking David to take me since we met, and so he planned a day and we all went as a family. We brought Paisley because David had a special creation in mind. He picked out a goblet that he could take to work and show off. Then we worked together to paint Paisley's foot and hand, and pressed them onto the cup to leave her prints. It turned out great! I made a bowl, and we had a lot of fun. We'll post pictures soon.

Fourth of July weekend was tons of fun. We had a yard work day in the morning and got tons done! It felt great to get so much accomplished. We went to a party for David's grandma's 82nd birthday. Paisley's cousins Taylor and Violet were there and she had a blast playing with them. As soon as she saw Violet she started laughing and talking. She was just thrilled to be aroun
d little ones her age.

Monday was July 4th. David and his dad ran in the Freedom 5K and they both did awesome! I was so proud of my husband, and his dad! They both placed among some of the first in their age groups. After the race we went and watched the parade with John and Christine, then walked down to the Freedom Festival and ate some good food. Then we ate some more good food at the Doumas a couple hours later, and slept the hot afternoon away in an air conditioned house. Family, friends, fun, and good food, topped off with a long nap? It was a perfect day.

Paisley in her 4th of July outfit
The two running champions
Our little Douma family in red, white and blue (my purse was red)

A couple of weeks ago, I met a new friend who lives two doors down from us. I hadn't met her before because she and her husband go to a Spanish ward. She has a baby boy two days older than Paisley, and we have just about everything else in common. We've been walking together in the mornings, and have even started jogging! It's so nice to have someone to exercise with, and even nicer to have a new friend.

And last of all, here are some recent pictures of our not-so-little baby!

These are the moments I most love being a mother!
My first collage! What a cutie-pie!