Friday, June 22, 2012

All About Paisley

Paisley loves pictures.  Mostly, she loves looking at pictures of herself on our camera.  In fact, whenever I get the camera out, she starts reaching for it saying "smile, smile". This makes it difficult to get very many good pictures of her.  Here are some lucky shots I got of her when she was too distracted to care about the camera.  
Swimming in the pool at our apartment complex.  Our apartment is the one right behind, so we have a good view of the pool, and Paisley is always asking to go swimming. 
She's getting pretty good at climbing stairs.  Thanks, Grandma Cindie, for the cute outfit!
Last week while David was out of town, Paisley and I took a train around the park.  It was a blast, but unfortunately we couldn't get a good picture of us, so here's the train.
Dad and Paisley playing around with the camera.  I love these two!
On Wednesday this week we went to the Austin Children's Museum.  It was  tons of fun and they had so many cool things for kids to explore!  This was sort of a giant Lite-Brite toy.  Paisley could have spent the whole evening here.
There was a fun physics section that consisted of rolling balls down different ramps and tracks and things.  Tons of fun.  On this particular one, you drop the ball at the top and it goes round and round till it gets to the end.  Paisley wanted to keep tabs on the ball at all times, so she went round and round chasing after it.
Daddy and Paisley going fishing.  

This morning Paisley took me for quite a walk, running up and down hills and all over the place.  She was really set on chasing a squirrel, one of her favorite things to do lately.  Here's a play-by-play of our adventure.
"Mama, squirrel! Get it!"
Running up the hill, making her best chipmunk face.  Or maybe this is just her face of determination.
Oops, fell down.
Ready to go again.
By the time we caught up, the squirrel was up a tree.  She spent a few minutes trying to figure out how she could get it before giving up.

Trying to call down the squirrel a couple of days ago at the State Capitol grounds.  This reminds me of a scene from Rapunzel or Romeo and Juliet.
Smelling the flowers.
Oh yes, this happened the other day.  Paisley had been quiet while David and I were doing other things, when we looked over to see what she was doing, there she was just sitting on the couch in her p.j.'s reading her books. Priceless.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big she is getting!! I love the lady bug floating chair, I think I would want to be in the pool all the time too if I had that. The area you are in looks very exciting, the surrounding area looks beautiful and there seems to be lots of fun activities that you do.


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