Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Paisley the 16-month-old

I am terrible at keeping up with blogs about Paisley.  I have a little journal where I write letters to her, telling her about herself, and most times that takes priority over blogging.  But as long as I am on a blogging splurge, I will start with Paisley.

She is almost 16 months old!  She's such a funny little girl.  Just after her first birthday, we found out we were expecting another little baby (more about this later).  So, we started making the gradual switch from breastmilk to milk milk.  We knew she had an allergy to cow's milk, so we started with soy milk.  Well, that didn't agree with her either, so we stuck with almond and coconut milk.  Ugh.  The good news is, she took to it just fine, and she's been a happy baby.
All ready for bed, telling me she wants her bottle
Now she just eats everything!  She loves popcorn ("popem"), rice, chicken, oranges, grapes, and even french fries and ice cream.  Her favorite snack is goldfish crackers, which she calls 'fwishies'.  She always seems to want to eat something, but she still can't grow into her height.  She's 32 inches, and still only 20 lbs.  The nice thing is, we won't have to get a new car seat until baby #2 comes!

Paisley says lots of words now, which is really nice for us!  She can tell us what she wants to eat, where she wants to go (up, down, sleep, nap, and especially outside).  She loves saying the names of everyone she knows: mama, dada, Oma, Opa, Gramma, and especially Emily, and lots more.  She even knows the names of some of her best baby friends like Chloe and Elsie.  She loves saying puppy, ball, pool, water and the last word or two of every sentence we say. Every time she sees a bird she points and says "bood!" over and over, staring at it with this fascinated look on her face. She says 'windy' when it's windy, and 'noise' when she hears one, and it's fun to see her grasp concepts like that and put names to them.  

My personal favorite of all the words she says is the word 'poop'.  We bought her a training potty for her first birthday (I know, super exciting gift for a one-year-old!) and she's learning to use it.  Every time she has to go - number 2, at least - she tells us "poop", we put her on the potty, and within a couple minutes she stands up and exclaims "all done" with a big smile on her face.  The b est is when she looks back in the toilet and twists up her face and says, "ewwww, yuck!".  Haha.
Paisley caught in the act.  She's not normally
 eating on the potty, just this time it happened in the
middle of breakfast, and I've learned to act quickly!!

In short, Paisley the 16-month-old is lots of fun and growing up fast!  She makes every day exciting and fun for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! New blog! All I have to say is, POTTY TRAINING?!!!!! Holy cow. That is awesome.


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