Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Our New Addition

On February 18th, we were super thrilled to find out we would be having another baby.  I'm sure she was just excited at our excitement, but even Paisley joined in the celebration and laughed and got super excited when I told David.  It was pretty surreal at first, maybe even more than the first pregnancy.  In spite of all the nausea and other symptoms, it was hard to really feel like there was really a baby in there until our first ultrasound where we got to hear the baby's heartbeat.  I think there must only be a few things in this life more thrilling than hearing a little  baby heartbeat coming from inside of you.  We took Paisley to the appointment and she did not like watching the doctor touch her mom's tummy,  but we made it through. Dr. Holmes told us the due date would be October 17th, 2012.  That's a great date, I think.

After much anticipation, we found out that we are expecting another little girl!!  We've been very excited to use the boy names we've had picked out forever, but we are super excited to have another little girl.  I think Paisley will love having a little sister, especially one so close in age to her.  I hope they can be close friends.  Now for the fun task of picking a cute girl's name.  Any suggestions?

Now I am 21 weeks along (past halfway already!) and just starting to feel the baby move pretty frequently.  That's the best part about pregnancy, I think, besides the end where you get to meet the baby!  I'm starting to show now, although I haven't gained any weight yet.  I think I gained and kept enough with the first pregnancy for both of them!  The first trimester all I felt like doing was sleeping all day  - no exaggeration here - and now I'm happy to be at that glorious part of the 9 months where I just feel good and energetic.  Let's hope that keeps up for a while!

21 Weeks - the side view
And the front view


  1. So excited for you...those are good descriptions of the current phase...I remember that too....even after all this time. Sending a 'happy for you' hug! XO

    1. Thanks! It's so nice to hear from you! I hope you guys are doing well too!

  2. Look at you!! You're so super cute! Did you know that Oct 17 is Evan's birthday? And, since you had Paisley on her due date...it could happen again, right? I'll keep my eyes open for cute girl names. I know what it's like to have some names saved up for the opposite sex. Love you and miss you!!! Oh, one name that I like, but Kyle doesn't is Scarlett.

    1. I love Scarlett, Sarah!! That's one of the names I've been talking to David about, but he's not too sure about it either. I like Afton, too. I did know that the 17th was Evan's birthday, actually. Only because he commented on Facebook when I announced the due date. I love you and miss you too!!

  3. How exciting!!! You are looking gorgeous! pregnancy suits you so well,you should have tons of babies! And I like scarlett too!Another favorites of mine are Eva, Ada and Daphne.Good luck!

  4. You look beautiful Tanis! Congrats girl!

  5. So exciting!! I had know idea you had a blog! And I LOVE Scarlett!! When we thought we were having a girl, that was the name we were set on. Haha, you and I were exact opposites, I had a girl name picked out but no boy names and we got a boy! lol. Anyways, Scarlett is beautiful and if we ever have a girl we may be joining you! hehe. You look awesome Tanis! I hope you guys are having a blast in Texas, we loved it there!


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