Monday, July 30, 2012

The Best Date Ever and Other Fun Happenings

As we rolled into Austin two months ago, and almost every day since, I have longingly watched the people out on the lake.  There are people boating, kayaking, canoeing, stand-up paddle boarding, and even swimming.  David made his list of restaurants he had to eat at.  I made my list of things I wanted to do, of which there was one necessary item: get out on the lake.  So, this weekend, we finally did it!!

We arranged for some friends to babysit on Saturday morning.  They took Paisley to a birthday party with their 2-year-old.  It felt so weird - and kind of great, don't tell Paisley - to get out on our own!!  We rented stand-up paddle boards from a place right on the lake.  We were both a little wobbly at first, but quickly got our sea legs.  I almost forgot how great it feels to be out in the sun and the breeze, with water all around you.  When it got too hot, we just had to fall into the water to be instantly refreshed and weightless.  It was heavenly.
Being a water man looks good on David, don't you think?  I do!
The Texas Rowing Center where we rented the SUP's
After paddling, we went for lunch at Cisco's.  David had read that they had the best migas around.  I didn't know what migas was, but I was hungry.  It turned out to be a really unique Mexican place where you almost had to walk through the kitchen to get to the main seating area.  They did have good migas, along with some fun signs on the walls.

So, that was our date day.  I forgot how nice it feels to just get out and feel like a dating couple again once in a while!   The night before (I realize this post is totally out of order, but I can deal with that if you can), we went to the Texas State History Museum.  This was another item on my list of things to do, and it turns out that every Friday night they host a free live concert, and give free admission to the museum exhibits!  We were excited to see that there were several vendors there giving out free samples of things like Blue Bell ice cream, different juices, chocolates, breads, and lots of yummy things.  It was really interesting to go in the museum and sort of experience Texas history.  I could probably spend a whole day there if my time were my own.  Anyway, it was a great night!

Me and Paisley out in front of the museum.
This is my new favorite picture of Paisley.  We went for a drive last week and came across this beautiful horse and its new 3-day-old colt (hiding behind the mom).  We screeched to a halt to take a picture and a Hispanic man who spoke very limited English signaled for us to pull in.  He invited us to put Paisley up on the horse, which she was pretty thrilled with once she figured out what was going on.  So here's our future cowgirl!

This is what I woke up to the other day.  Who says having kids takes the romance out of marriage?  Just kidding, it really does, but David finds ways to make it work!


  1. How fun that you get to be in a new city, and experiencing so many awesome things! That sounds so heavenly. That date sounded fun!

  2. I thought that Paisley was creating towers extraordinaire until I read the blocks! Way to go, David. Take care of those girls!

  3. This is awesome, Tanis! I love reading your posts ...though I missed some so need to catch up! <3

  4. Last picture--so stinkin' cute.

  5. I need to go paddle boarding sometime!

  6. Paddle boarding sounds fun! I saw some people doing that by Bridal veil falls.


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