Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Never too late to log the honeymoon!

On our honeymoon, I lost the charger for my camera. I never recovered it, and never replaced it. It's taken me till now to get the pictures from the memory card, but I figure, it's never too late to blog about one of the most blissful times of one's life. So, here it is.

1 day post-wedding. David told me he was taking me to San Diego for our honeymoon. Knowing how bad David is at keeping a surprise a secret, I fully believed him. So imagine my surprise when we got to the airport and he handed me my boarding pass - for Honolulu!! After a few tears (all on my part, of course) and lots of hugs, here we are in our seats on the way to beautiful Oahu!
Our room at the Aqua Palms & Spa in Waikiki. It was great to be on Oahu, close to home, but not too close.
We ate at the Shore Bird Restaurant, right on the beach.

Shave ice at Matsumoto's. I love David's face in this one.
The happy couple on Waikiki Beach.
Ok, not the most attractive picture, but you can't go snorkeling at Shark's Cove and not get a snorkel-face picture. Plus, if anyone makes a snorkel mask look good, it's David!
Possibly my favorite day of our honeymoon. We cruised down the North Shore all day, got Fumi's Shrimp Shack and ate it on the beach as the sun set. Perfect day.

I got to introduce David to Laie and its many wonders. We ate at the Hukilau Cafe, visited my family, (who were very surprised to see us so soon after the wedding!), visited David's mission president's home, and even took my dog for a walk down Hukilau beach like the good ol' days.; It was nice to share that part of my life with David.

This was David's birthday, April 30th. David's parents arranged it so we'd hit the Polynesian Cultural Center on this day, and we ate dinner at the luau. It was great to sit back and eat some kalua pig, taro rolls, and yes, even poi!
Can you tell how excited I am?
Our final moments on the island, as we're sitting in the airport. This was David's best attempt at a frowny face. It was a great week, in a awesome place, with an amazing guy. Lucky I get to keep the guy!

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