Friday, February 3, 2012

A Paisley Christmas

This is a picture left over from Autumn. Paisley was super excited to jump into the leaves, but not so excited once she found out they were pokey and scratchy instead of soft and pillowy. This is the only one where she wasn't scrunching her face and squirming. I'll take it.

Christmas Eve. Paisley opened two presents: One from Grandma Cindie (the sleeper she's wearing), and one from Santa (the rings toy).
She was pretty excited.
Christmas day. Paisley got a giant Bulls-eye.

And here is Paisley's new doll that she loves to death, Cheeseburger. David insists that Paisley named her, but in a moment of weakness he confessed to me that he named her Cheeseburger out of strategy. The strategy is that 1)the name will either help her to love cheeseburgers, or 2)the name will turn her off of this doll so that she will like her Jessie doll (the one he chose) better. I think she'll just grow up wondering why they named a popular American food after her doll. Either way, Paisley and her doll are inseparable.
New Years at the Doumas and all its delicious food. Yumm.

Paisley and her Great Grandma. I love this one.
Now that I put up all these pictures, I realize that they're all of food and Paisley, and none are of me or David. Oops. Oh well, let's face it - who wants to see me and David when you can look at food and Paisley?


  1. She's getting so big, Tanis!! Paisley is adorable, and that cheeseburger doll is hilarious :) I do want to see some pictures of you and David. So cute!

  2. She's beautiful Tanis! I am glad I found your blog! :)

  3. Um, I want to see you and David too!! Great pictures, she's adorable. I hope you had a great Christmas!! Love you Tan!!


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