Saturday, July 14, 2012

Paisley the 17-month-old

At 17 months, Paisley is as playful, busy, and packed full of personality as ever.  Here are some things that describe Paisley:
  • She is ALWAYS moving.  Whether she's walking, running, dancing or climbing, she's always in motion, which makes for one tired mommy!
  • She is ALWAYS talking!!  Whether she's singing, asking questions, pointing out exciting things, or just babbling away, she's constantly moving her mouth.   
  • She loves to build things.  Check out the tower below!
  • She loves to say and learn new animal noises.
  • She's developing a sense of humor.  When we ask her what a lion says, for example, she'll pretend she's a snake.  Then she'll laugh and say "so so so funny".
  • She's very curious about noises.  Whatever the noise is, she says "what's that?" and tries to name it, whether it's an airplane, a bus, truck, water, etc.  If she can't figure out what it is, it's a "machine" by default.
  • She loves swimming and being outside. 
  • She loves singing songs, and has a few favorites.  For the Alphabet Song, she asks for " C C ups".  For 'If You're Happy and You Know It", she says "happy ups".  And Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is "tinkle tinkle".  When we sing them to her, she watches our mouths intently and tries to sing along, a cluster of words at a time. 
  • Still loves books.  When we're not reading together, she's looking through them and trying to name all the pictures.  Lately she's even started flipping through page by page and telling us what she remembers about the picture.  It's interesting to see what she finds most memorable.
  • She throws temper tantrums.  This is not fun, especially in church.  
  • She's gotten to be very affectionate lately.  When she needs some love, she tells me, "mama, hug" and we have a good snuggle.  Then she gives me a kiss and says "love you", which sounds like 'lubby-you'.  With Dad, the game is a little different.  She says 'hug', then just when Dad gets excited she gets a mischievous look on her face and runs away till he chases her down and attacks her with kisses.  
  • And last, and probably best, of all, she's started sleeping through the night again.  After we stopped nursing I got lazy and started putting her to bed with a bottle.  Before long, she was hooked, and wouldn't go to sleep without one.  This also meant that every time she woke up in the night, she wanted a bottle to go back to sleep.  Ugh. It took just a couple rough nights for all of us, and she's back to sleeping through the night, and going to sleep without a bottle.  This also means we go through way less milk - bonus!
Paisley's best tower yet. 
Our little girl turned Texan.


  1. Very cute Tanis! I love reading your blog.

  2. Aww, she's adorable, and you better get ready for major personality if she's anything like her mother!!!

  3. Love the first picture! So cute!

    1. Pam, you were the inspiration for the 17 Months thing. Thanks!


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