Friday, July 6, 2012

25 Weeks

At 25 weeks, I'm feeling pretty good.  Our little baby girl is moving around a lot, which only gets more exciting for me.  We don't plan on seeing a doctor the whole time we're here in Texas, so no updates from him.  

Paisley and I go for a long walk every day.  We have a four mile loop we do down by Lady Bird Lake, so that helps to fill up the days, and it feels great to get my blood flowing.  Swimming laps in the pool also feels great, but it's hard to do that with Paisley.

I mentioned before that during the first trimester, all I wanted was to sleep, all the time.  The second trimester brought with it a lot more energy, but I can feel the fatigue slowly creeping up on me again.  Lucky Paisley still takes a good nap during the day!

I got a library card for the downtown public library, so we go to the library once a week for story time, and to pick out new books.  It's fun to get books like "You're Going to Have a Baby Sister".  It gives me and Paisley a chance to talk about the baby.  I think she's far from understanding the idea that there's a baby inside me, but when I ask her where the baby is she points right to my belly, and then very determinedly tries to lift up my shirt and look inside.  

We're still thinking about names.  Still taking ideas too.  We have a small list of ones we like, but nothing for sure yet.  Knowing me, I'll probably have to see her face before I can give her a name, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.  Plus it's so much fun to think about!

And finally, the pregnancy pics.  If my face looks like it has that healthy pregnancy glow, don't be fooled. It's just perspiration, which is never-ending in this lovely Austin climate.  Did I mention how HOT it is here?  


  1. Well there is apparently a heat wave all over the states. considering you're in one of the hottest areas already im surprised you're not dying! the heat wave has finally even hit us! were gonne get up to 30 this week. LOL!


  2. Tan, you're hardly even showing! Must be all that walking and swimming. The exercise makes the delivery easier, so it's a good think all the way around. For names, I still like Afton Sage--or Afton Rose, if you want a family name. Just sayin'--I'll be happy with almost anything except maybe Petunia or my middle name!

  3. It has been pretty hot here in Colorado too, and I suppose being 35 weeks pregnant with twins gives me a little excuse to feel the heat. My technique has been to wear shorts and single layer shirts. If I am feeling up to it, going to the pool or a lake is great. Otherwise, I dare to turn on our AC unit and stay inside, out of the sun. You look great. I wouldn't guess you are pregnant! Hope all goes well in Texas!
    -Heather Huff


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