Saturday, May 28, 2011

From Sneezes to Central America - and Super Cute Baby!

Lots has happened in the past couple of weeks! After our camping trip, Paisley and I both got sick and spent the next few days in bed. No pictures of those days, thank goodness.

Meanwhile, David left on Tuesday for an interview with a company in Austin, Texas. His lifelong dream of dwelling in the same city as the Longhorns is about to come true! He came home Wednesday, and flew out early the next morning to go to Dallas for an interview with another company. He came back the next evening, and got to stay with us for the weekend before heading off to Austin again to interview with another company!! All three firms made him an offer, and now we're in the middle of our most dreaded task: deciding between the three. But in the meantime, we're enjoying the souvenirs David brought back from Austin - my new longhorns jacket and a decoration for the car!

While David was gone, I dealt with a flood in the bathroom! It's been an unusually rainy Utah spring, and water started leaking in through the foundation of the house. Unfortunately, most of our bathroom is carpeted (strange, I know), and so the bathroom smelled like a turtle tank for a few days. (Ah, childhood memories). It's been under construction ever since, so we've been spending a lot of time at Mom and Dad Douma's house while they put in a new floor. The good news is, they're putting in tile!!

Michael got his mission call!! Wednesday, May 18, we all gathered around at the Doumas to see Michael open his call. We even had Samantha on Skype (on and off, due to poor reception) all the way in Belgium! Michael has been called by the Lord to serve in the Comayaguela, Honduras mission! Well, it's not a city of French fries and BMW's like he was not so secretly hoping, but he's super excited, and we're all excited for him.

On the baby front, Paisley rolled over!! She's growing up so fast, I can hardly believe it! some pictures of her latest habits. I've added a video of her rolling over, along with some pictures of her latest habits.

We went for our first walk in her stroller without the car seat inside it! She's got great posture, and a great smile! Personally, I think this is one of the few pictures where she looks as much like me as she does like David!

This is her favorite sleeping position - arms out, head to the side and pointed upwards. This is a mild version.

She loves her binky. But she also loves her fingers. Sometimes she can't decide between the two and it ends up looking like this!

This one is just plain cute!


  1. Congratulations on the job offer! Paisley sure is one cute baby.

  2. Love the pictures! I had to read twice to figure out what the Central America referred to--I was wondering if Texas really had that many Latinos that the name was being changed. We want to know details when you've made the internship decision.

  3. Thank you for add me! our family blog is if you want to add my to your list. :)

  4. oh no, Texas!! then i'll serious never see you!! (even tho i never see you now, haha) when will you be going and is there any chance we can get together before then??

  5. Eve - We won't go till next winter or summer, and even then it's just for a 3 month internship. The reason it's a big decision is because wherever we go for the internship will be where we move the following year, and stay for at least 3-5 years! Yikes! Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to get together. :)

  6. That is a super cute baby!! I love her!!! Why do things like floods always happen when husbands are gone?

    It's sort of exciting having to choose your future and stuff. I've been there with the having to choose, and I know it can be hard. I'm not too thrilled about you moving even farther away though. Visiting Utah is doable, but Texas? I don't know...


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