Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Birthday, Valentine's Day, and 4 months old!

Happy Birthday to Paisley! (Okay, back in February)  It's hard to believe it's been 2 years already.  Paisley is as spunky and full of life as ever.  She's talking like crazy, as always, and she's got the energy of, well, a two-year-old, I guess.  Which is a lot more than I have!  She's certainly developed a will of her own, and she's clever too.  When Afton was born she learned a new trick.  It goes like this: Paisley notices I have my hands full (for example, holding Afton is her heavy car seat).  She looks at me, I look at her.  She gets a mischievous look in her eye, and I realize she's about  to perform her trick.  My eyes widen in panic and I watch helplessly as Paisley goes running in the opposite direction.  Sigh.  It is wonderful to watch her becoming her own little person.  She's funny, and playful and challenging, and we couldn't love her more.  We had a few little birthday parties for her, as it turns out.  She was thrilled with all of it.  We took her to have pictures taken and curled her hair for the first time.  She looked adorable, if I say so myself. 

 Valentine's day was pretty low-key.  One of these days we're going to figure out how to balance the day of love and a birthday on the same day, but this is what it looked like this year.

And, of course, Afton hit her 4 month mark this month.  We celebrated with a mini photo shoot.  This month she holds toys, sits up alone in her Boppy pillow, rolls front to back whenever possible, and tries her very hardest to lift her head and do sit-ups when placed on her back.  She sleeps absolutely terribly, and we're up  6-7 times a night, sometimes for long periods of time.  Aahhhhh! But no matter how exhausted we both are, when she wakes us up bright and early in the morning and flashes us one of her smiles, we remember just how worth it it all is.  

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