Tuesday, June 25, 2013

All about Afton

So, eight months ago, we had a baby!  Of course, everyone knows that by now, and I would have blogged much, much sooner, if it weren't for two things: 1. Limited number of pictures allowed on the blog (who knew), and 2. Limited number of hours in the day.  So there they are, my sad excuses for being so terrible about documenting the past 8 months of our lives, which happen to be the first and only months of Afton's.  The next several posts will be my attempt to back-document, if not for your enjoyment, then for ours and Afton's later on.

Afton the 1-month-old

A friend from church offered to take these newborn pictures for us and I think they turned out beautifully.  They really captured Afton at this tiny stage of her life. Afton is wonderfully unpredictable.  She is so sweet and adorable, but she's having a rough time getting used to this outside of the womb thing.  

Her bottom has been sorer and redder than I knew was possible, and we both cry when it comes time for a diaper change.  

As the pictures show, she's still a little jaundiced, so we've been in and out of the health center for blood tests many times in this short month.  She cries a little harder every time she has to be poked.  

She's extremely gassy, so she spends her nights grunting in the bassinet next to our bed. Between the sore bottom and her gassy discomfort, none of us get much sleep during the night, but we do get lots of cuddle time!  

When it comes to spit-up, Afton is a champ. This is true especially, but not only, after a feeding Imagine a hot water bottle with no lid on, and that's the closest equivalent I can think of when it comes to spit-up.  Squeeze her, tip her, poke her, or pretty much move her in any way, and up it comes.  This is a whole new adventure in parenting for me!  

Ok, so what makes all this worthwhile?  Just look at this face!  I'm reminded daily what a wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father this girl really is.  Paisley is thrilled with her little sister and besides the occasional urge to jump on top of her and hug her to death, she does really with her!

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