Sunday, August 19, 2012

Florida, San Antonio & The Offer

As mentioned in a previous post, David went to Florida for a convention to wrap up his internship.  For these 4 days, he was forced to stay in the Disney World Resort, eat their delicious food, and play on their rides.  Here are some pictures of him, hard at work.

The view from his hotel.

Oh yah, they did have to attend some meetings as well.  These were actually what David couldn't stop talking about when he came home, because the speakers were really interesting and inspiring.  The chairman and CEO of Ernst & Young, Jim Turley the owner and CEO of Skull Candy, Rick Alden, and some performers including M.C. Supernatural, The poor guy, he had a rough week.

Meanwhile, while David was in Florida, I was back home taking care of our newly broken car window and other results of our car break-in.  We got it all cleaned up just in time to go back to San Antonio for a day and meet up with my friend Breanne.  I love spending time with her.  We spent the morning visiting the different missions in San Antonio, including the Alamo.  It was really fascinating to see what these Catholic friars and missionaries built, how it affected the native Americans and others in the area, and they part it played in making Texas what it is today.
A lot of the Catholic churches built in the missions have been restored and are still used today.

The Offer

The Monday after his return from Florida was David's final day of interning.  He went in in the morning as usual, met with the partners, and received a full-time offer to return to Austin and work with the company next fall.  So, that's what we're doing!!  David is excited to start his career with EY, but I think he's even more excited to live in Austin.  In fact, he was not very happy about having to leave Austin for the next year to finish up school.  Here we go, nonetheless, back to Utah for another year of adventures.

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