Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back to Utah - First Stop, Dallas

Much to David's devastation, August 9th marked the day we left our Austin home and embarked on our trip back to Utah.  But we had one big, important stop to make first: Becca's house in Dallas.

After a whole summer of no Becca, I was in serious need of some good quality Becca time.  So we planned to take the long route home, stopping for a day in Dallas, and then continuing up through Oklahoma City, Kansas, and finally Colorado before hitting Utah.  It was so much fun to see Becca and meet her amazing family.  They totally spoiled us!  We hit the water park for Paisley, then enjoyed amazing ribs smoked in the back yard by Becca's brother Chris, and Becca even gave me an amazing pedicure and foot massage.  Let me tell you, fewer things are more enjoyed by a pregnant woman!  Paisley had a blast playing with Becca and her family.  I think if she could she would adopt Becca's dad as a grandpa.  They got along great!

Paisley playing with Auntie Becca at the water park.

I'm just realizing now that we had such a good time there that we forgot to take a lot of pictures.  On the way out, though, we did stop by the Allen High School football stadium.  Becca and her sister told us about this $60 million high school stadium, so naturally we had to stop there on our way out at sunrise and grab a picture.  It holds 18,000 people and somehow, it is only the 5th largest high school stadium in Texas.  Nonetheless, Here she is.

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